Monday, January 25, 2010

Educational Innovations 2

Following on from yesterday's blog, further educational courses are offered ;

3. The Atherton Anti-signalling Association Remedial Course : This association is only a local rural group, but they have produced some attractive Seminars and Retreats. They have organized several sub-groups throughout the state. Having noticed that there has been a severe escalation of good manners from district drivers recently, the Association has offered this remedial short-term course. Many drivers felt that a lot of the fun of driving has been diminished by this adherence to the rules, and accident avoidance skills have diminished. Next term's lessons will remind vehicle operators to leave signalling until the very last moment, or better still, to avoid all instances of letting other vehicle owners know what manoeuvres you may be about to attempt. An Advanced Certificate may be obtained and displayed prominently on the windscreen once the reacquired skills are exhibited. Honours will be awarded if frequent mobile phones are used while in motion.

4. Anti-Privacy Campaigners' Course. (External Only, from Tel-all Communications.) Only people with their own mobile phones and an exciting lifestyle need apply. The Course involves a lot of shouting about inconsequential happenings to you, your family, and friends. Entrants will be taught how to avoid any instance of community consideration, with emphasis given to public venue performance. Doctors' Surgeries, theatres and churches will receive special attention over and above the usual Shopping Centre, Restaurant and public vehicle showcasing. Extra stars will be added to the Graduation Certificate for those who install a very loud, " humorous " dial tone.
All applications close on Australia Day 2010.

1 comment:

  1. What about a course for call centre operators - Sounding Helpful but Delivering Nothing - advanced diplomas a must! (Advice on course material could be provided by a certain telecommunications company whose many and varied operators have recently provided me with several hours of fruitless dialogue.
