Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Breakfast of Champions

Way back in 1895, the makers of Manna Porridge knew the secret of saturation advertising. In the "Moreton Bay Courier Mail" of May 30th, each page had one of the following mini-adverts.

* Do you desire purity of blood ? Eat MANNA Porridge !

* Manna is better for complexion than Pears Soap.

* See Venice and Die ! Eat MANNA and Live !

* Porridge made of Manna gives Strength without Heat.

* Manna is the greatest Blessing of the Nineteenth Century.

* Eat Manna and you will never quail before Trouble.

* Manna is a household word ; no housekeeper should be without it.

* MANNA Porridge will cure all Ills of Indigestion.

* Bone and muscle will develop by the use of Manna.

* Do you want to get rid of Indigestion ? Then have a plate of MANNA Porridge every morning for breakfast.

* What is MANNA ? Food for the Gods !

* Manna will shed Peace, Strength and Happiness to any Home.

* Who sells Manna ? Every grocer worthy of the name.

* Manna will prevent Mortality amongst Children.

* No breakfast is complete without MANNA.

How could such a marvellous food disappear from grocers' shelves ? Even Weet-Bix doesn't do such a good job. Probably Manna was banned because it would put Doctors and Chemists out of business. It's about time the Government legislated to ensure that Manna is consumed in every household in the Nation. Immediately, this would solve the country's Health Care problems. BRING BACK MANNA !!!!

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