Saturday, February 27, 2010

Medical Dilemmas

Frequently we become so accustomed to words that we use them automatically without too much attention to the idiosyncrasies that ride along with them. With this thought in mind I have determined to take the following list along the next time I have a doctor's appointment.

Does a nurse have to study Art before she can draw blood ?
If you get ill at an airport will it be a terminal illness ?
Are Doctor's fees ill-gotten gains ?
Can you find out more about your body in your appendix ?
Why do doctors use a scalpel when they are not operating on a head ?
If the nurse checks your heart rate a second time, are you repulsed ?
Do you have to be ambulatory to get in an ambulance ?
Why, years after they left University, are doctors still practising medicine ?
What exactly surges during surgery ?

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